Monday, February 17, 2014

Teaching Biology using concept maps

What are Concepts and propositions?
Primary elements of knowledge are concepts. Knowledge is factual or procedural information.  A concept is a generalization drawn from particulars. Concepts are defined as “perceived regularities in events or objects or record of events or objects, designated by a label” (Novak 1998).Proposition is a pair of concepts with their linking phrases. Propositions are knowledge units.
Origin of concept mapping
Concept mapping was developed by Joseph D. Novak in 1960s. The idea of concept mapping is based on meaningful learning theory of Ausubel (1960). Novak (2001) described concept map ‘as tools for organizing and representing knowledge’.
What is a Concept map?
Concept map is a visual illustration displaying the organization of concepts and outlining the relationship among or between these concepts (Hoffman and Novak 2003). In brief, concept mapping is a technique to visualize the relations between concepts (Novak 1998).

Objective of concept mapping
The primary function of the brain is to interpret incoming information to make meaning. It is easier for the brain to make meaning, when information is presented in vision formats.
Definition of concept map
A concept mapping is a technique used to organize information or thoughts.
Principles of concept mapping
The key ideas in a concept map are presented in hierarchical order, which moves from the most general to more specific concepts. The key ideas are additionally presented in domains or clusters, which visually define their association and related boundaries. The nature of interrelationship between the key ideas can be identified from the use of ‘relationship lines’. The terminal point of the hierarchical representation of ideas is illustrated by the use of ‘end examples’. It is possible to use colors or symbols or directional arrows to further illustrate the boundaries, relationships and interrelationships between the key ideas. If necessary, academic references can be included.
Description of concept map
Concept maps are two-dimensional, hierarchical diagrams that show the structure of knowledge within a discipline. It is composed of concept labels, each enclosed in a box or oval and a series of labeled linking lines showing general-to-specific organization.
Components of concept maps
·        Nodes represent concepts.
·        Lines represent relations between concepts.
·        Labels on the lines describe the nature of the relationship.
·        Arrow heads indicate direction of the relationship.
Characteristics of concept maps
Concept maps have structure -Linear/horizontal; Hierarchical/non-hierarchical. Concept maps are based on propositions. Concept maps represent a particular domain of knowledge. Concept maps illustrate patterns and relationships among concepts.
Kinds of concept maps
Hierarchical maps represent information in a descending order of importance. The key concept is placed on the top and subordinate concepts represented below. Non- hierarchical maps represent information in a cluster or network pattern.
Purpose: Concept Mapping is used to generate ideas (brain storming, etc.), to design a complex structure (long texts, hypermedia, large web sites, etc.) and to communicate complex ideas. It aids learning by explicitly integrating new and old knowledge. It helps to assess understanding or diagnose misunderstanding.
Why create concept maps?
Concept maps allow any body to organize lots of information on a paper in a form that is easily understood. Concept maps allow you to visualize connections within the information.
Goals of Concept map design
1. Clarity - conceptual clarity, visual clarity 
2. Order-Title - overall pattern
3. Balance-overall layout of all map elements
4. Unity and Harmony-pleasing look
5. Visual hierarchy-relative importance
Construction of a concept map- Stages in the construction of a concept map
1.     Brainstorming stage
2.     Organizing stage
3.     Layout stage
4.     Linking stage
5.     Revising stage
6.     Finalizing stage
1.     Brainstorming stage- all terms and concepts associated with the topic of interest is first reviewed and listed in a paper. Each concept is written in one word or phrase per note. Don't worry about redundancy. A largest possible list is generated.
2.     Organizing stage- the concepts can be spread on a sheet of paper.  The most general (super-ordinate) and least general (sub-ordinate) can be identified. Groups and subgroups of related items can be created. The items can be grouped to emphasize hierarchies. The terms that represent higher categories can be identified. The items can be rearranged and omitted items can be introduced.
3.     Layout stage – the terms can be arranged based on inter relationships and connections among groupings. Within sub-grouping, closely related items can be placed nearer to each other.The items can be connected in the form of a simple sentence that shows the relationship between them.
4.     Linking phase- Lines with arrows(reading direction)can be used to connect the items. A word or short phrases can be written over each arrow to specify the relationship. Many arrows can originate or terminate on important concepts which display depth of your knowledge.
5. Revising stage- the draft concept map is carefully examined to organize      information. The concepts can be rearranged to emphasize organization and appearance. The organization can be simplified by removing or combining items. Consider adding color or different fonts.
6. Finalizing the concept map- The arrangement of items that conveys better understanding can be finalized. By using colors, fonts and shapes the concept map can be improved.
Outline of concept mapping
·        Identify the key concepts  of a topic (i.e., make a list);
·        Rank concepts from broad to specific;
·        Place broadest concept at the top;
·        more specific concepts below;
·        Link concepts with action words;
·        Group closely related concepts;
·        Rework this preliminary concept map by adding, deleting renaming words and links;

Evaluating concept maps
1.     Concept  recognition - identifying the relevant concepts in a given topic
2.     Grouping - appropriate linking of concepts.
3.     Hierarchy – more inclusive concepts at top, more specific concepts at lower end of map.
4.     Branching - the level of differentiation of concepts
5.     Propositions –meaningful  sentences
6.     Accuracy and thoroughness – the concept maps are analyzed for correct concept relations, missing concepts and misconceptions.
7.     Organization –It must be in hierarchical order with a title.
8.     Appearance –It must be neat and orderly.
9.     Cross links- the map show meaningful connections.
10.            Creativity-It must effectively communicate concepts/stimulate interest.
Practical applications
·        Easy to take notes during lecture
·        Excellent aid to group brainstorming
·        Planning your lecture / studies / career
·        Providing graphics for your presentation
·        Refine your creativity and critical thinking
Use of concept map in student learning
·        Improve clarity of thought;
·        Assimilate more information;
·        Achieve deeper understanding;
·        Improve memorization;
·        Improve coherence;
·        Enhance clarity of relations
Educational use
o   Note taking and summarizing
o   Knowledge elicitation
o   Knowledge capturing
o   New knowledge creation
o   Knowledge preservation (retention).
o   Modeling expert knowledge
o   Knowledge sharing.
Educational benefits
·        An instructional tool.
·        A meaningful learning tool.
·        An assessment tool.
·        A curriculum designing guide.
·        A research tool for critical thinking.

Novak J D 1991 Clarify with Concept maps: A tool for students and teachers alike The Science Teacher 58(7) 45-49
Novak J D and D B Gowin 1986 Learning How to learn, Cambridge University Press, London
Moreira M A 1979 Concept maps as tools for teaching, Journal of Science Teaching VIII(5):283-286
Ausubel, David P. (1968). Educational Psychology, A Cognitive View. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
Ausubel, David P. (1967). Learning Theory and classroom Practice. Ontario: The Ontario Institute for studies In education.
Ausubel, David P. (1963). The psychology of meaningful verbal learning. New York:
 Grune & Stratton.Angelo, T. A. and Cross, K. P. Classroom Assessment Techniques, A Handbook for College Teachers (2nd ed., p. 197).
 Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1993.

Jonassen, D.H., Beissneer K., and Yacci, M.A. (1993) Structural Knowledge: Techniques for Conveying, Assessing, and Acquiring Structural Knowledge. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

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